the cor has the authority to authorize overtime

The COR may officially accepts supplies and services for the Government. DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Past performance assessments include input from the __________: . . LIST THE CONTENTS OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)/ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PLAN (PAP):A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan is included in the contractor proposal and accepted by the Government. Grant deviations from or waive any terms and conditions of the contract. . The Online User Guide uses the core roles (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR) to explain which users may access and perform actions. Definition: A Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) is an individual authorized in writing by a Contracting Officer to act as a liaison between the government and contractor when executing specific technical and administrative functions and surveillance responsibilities. Identify the change to the contract, complete a technical evaluation of the contractor's proposal, develop the estimated cost. Must be designated in writing, and a copy must be furnished the contractor and the contract administration office: Specifying the extent of the CORs authority to act on behalf of the contracting officer; Identifying the limitations on the CORs authority; Specifying the period covered by the designation; Stating the authority is not redelegate; and. . Once that's done, copy the token out of the server's response. Best Answer. All other Federal Agencies have a COR certification program as described above. IDENTIFY METHODS OF TRACKING CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS USING ACRNS AND CLINS IN A CONTRACT:A separate Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) should be used for each item on a contract. . CPD Mark and Premium CPD Mark for Estate Agencies Award Scheme. Table 1 in Enclosure 6 of DoDI 5000.72 provides a list of 59 potential tasks or duties. . Overtime is the time that a nonexempt employee works beyond 40 hours in a single work week. Authority to authorize overtime is set out in the relevant staff rules, personnel directives and related documents on approving authorities. Under the Prompt Payment clause, unless specifically prohibited by the contract, the contractor is entitled to payment for accepted partial deliveries of supplies or partial performance of services that comply with all applicable contract requirements and for which prices can be calculated from the contract terms. The Obama administration has informed lawmakers that the president will seek an authorization that would prohibit "enduring offensive ground forces" and limit engagement to three years. x Under fixed price contracts the Government does not normally monitor the number of employees, number of breaks, or length of lunch time for contractor employees. CORs and their respective organizations are responsible for obtaining the training and experience needed to be assigned and remain qualified to serve as CORs. Your organization has purchased a diesel generator for emergency power support. You should request that the contractor take a break until class has ended. . Clarify the intent of the requirements without impacting cost, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. The work to be performed, location of the work, period of performance, deliverable schedule, any special requirements, LIST THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARING A STATEMENT OF WORK OR STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES:When writing a SOW use the SMART principle which stands for: . The contractor personnel must provide certification that they have been trained on the proper use and care for the property. . Select the correct answer from the following statements: . Overtime is authorized. DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: EXPLAIN THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT INSPECTION: Acceptance means the act of an authorized representative of the Government assuming ownership of supplies or approving services. Procurement Integrity Act, LIST THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARING A STATEMENT OF WORK OR STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES:A properly written Statement of Work will (select all that apply): . A separate Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) should be used for each item on a contract. 124.18 does not override the overtime exemption of such position. of hours and tenths of hours. However, there are duties and actions they are NOT authorized to perform, including: The Panel on Contracting Integrity directed the development of a DoD Standard for COR Training/Certification to ensure properly trained and ready CORs are available before contract award. RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:When preparing for a procurement that can only be purchased from a single source, the _________ document is required. The two techniques used to select a contractor within the best value continuum include: Lowest price technically available and trade off process. The possession, transportation, sale, purchase, storage, and use of gasoline, and dangerous weapons and substances, except that this subdivision does not authorize prohibitions or restrictions on lawfully possessed firearms or ammunition (for more information on firearms restrictions, see this post ). A critical way that formal communication differs from informal is that formal communication is binding upon the parties and informal communication is non-binding. Regulations (CFR) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 48 CFR 43.102provides that the only person authorized to modify a contract on behalf of the U.S. Government is a contracting officer acting within the scope of the contracting officer's authority. They are not required to consult with any advisors before issuing a launch order. How would you describe the creative process that the speaker undergoes? Monies are withheld or deducted for contract noncompliance, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Only negative past performance data should be documented by the COR. As Was an ethics law or regulation violated? Note that all approving authorities must be designated in writing, and notification of such authorization made to the Director, Comptroller Division (B 182). true, DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:Contracting Officer's Representatives do not have authority to modify the contract; however, they are vital to the process as they are relied upon to notify the Contracting Officer of required contract changes and evaluating proposals. The Constitution empowers Congress to authorize the militia to be called forth to execute federal law. You must be logged in to post a comment.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_14',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_15',151,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_16',151,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acqnotes_com-medrectangle-1-0_2');.medrectangle-1-multi-151{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. . An appointing authority may require or authorize . . It can request/recommend foreign involvement on a program, disclosure of the program to foreign interests, request for authority to conclude an international agreement, or a decision to authorize foreign sales. Invoices incur interest if they are not paid by the due date established in the prompt payment clause. GIVEN A CONTRACT FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE COR, IDENTIFY THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY REGULATION AND POLICY TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE COR FILE: What is a Contracting Officer Representative? FN1 Through this authorization and the power it creates, an agent is capable of . DETERMINE IF A CHANGE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT:When changes are made to a contract, the government must determine if the change is within ?scope.? make changes to the contract, IDENTIFY HOW A COR REPORTS SUSPECTED INCIDENTS OF FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE AND UNETHICAL CONDUCT:The contractor paid $85 for a federal employee'S dinner. Often, a contracting officer appoints a COR to perform specific technical or administrative functions; however, the COR has no authority to make any commitments or changes that affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or other terms and conditions of the contract nor in any way direct the contractor or its subcontractors to operate in conflict OpenSubtitles2018.v3. EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The Service Contract Act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas where the contract is performed. at the end of the contract the COR files should be kept by the COR until the end of the period, Of the following lists, which one is NOT an accurate list of the documents required to be maintained in a COR file? . Please note that you should expect to receive a response from our team, regarding your inquiry, within 2 business days. . Now that we have a simple web API that can authenticate and authorize based on tokens, we can try out JWT bearer token authentication in ASP.NET Core end-to-end. Inefficient or misguided performance by the contractor can mean that the government will have to curtail or forgo needed services or rob other programs to provide . If so, which one? . The Department of Labor is responsible for enforcement of the Service Contract Act. What steps must be taken for the Contracting Officer to modify the contract? performance against contract schedule. all responses are correct. Negotiation allow for communication and evaluation factor tradeoffs with the contractor, Elements of a Market Research report include: (Select all that apply). x true, IDENTIFY THE DUTY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION TO THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT CREATING AN UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION OR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE TO THE CONTRACT:An unauthorized commitment is caused by government personnel obligating the government without contract authority. c. Division directors/CO's will determine the supervisory level to which they delegate approval authority. false, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DETERMINE STEPS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S INTERIM INVOICES UNDER COST/T&M/LH CONTRACTS:The COR reviews public vouchers (SF 1034) under cost type contracts for ______. The Contracting Officer's Representative must read and understand the contract, including any attachments and modifications to the contract. To: Thom E. Ferguson, Auditor of Slate, Columbus, Ohio . . . [Describe a COR's responsibilities in inspecting and accepting supplies and services: Identify documentation requirements when performing inspection and acceptance.] No, contracting government specialists can have a wide range of options dependent upon the program(s) they support. This is an example of a: The Contracting Officer's Representative is responsible for safeguarding all proprietary data. What is a key role of the COR in the acquisition planning Contact market research and develop requirements The three types of restrictions on funds are purpose (Misappropriation act) time True An on authorized commitment is caused by government personnel obligating True The contracting officer's representative must read and understand the True The COR's role in evaluating and awarding a contract include IPT member, SSEB technical evaluator, and Technical Expert or Representative. . . Contracting Officer's Representatives do not have authority to modify the contract; however, they are vital to the process as they are relied upon to notify the Contracting Officer of required contract changes and evaluating proposals. Current, Expired and Canceled, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:The three types of restrictions on funds are purpose (Misappropriation Act), time (Bona Fide Need Rule), and amount (Anti-Deficiency Act). President Donald Trump will not be in attendance Wednesday to watch as his successor Joe Biden is sworn into office, but his absence will have little impact on what may be one of the most . 10 to 15 million is a commonly used range (we set 10 million as default for the Cooley GO Docs Incorporation Package ). seven days, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Areas assessed in contractor past performance are ________________ (Select All that Apply) x selected Conforming products or services // Performance against contract schedule x selected Cost Controls // Conforming Products or Services // Performance against contract schedule, GIVEN A CONTRACT ACTION, IDENTIFY THE DELEGATED TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH THE COR IS RESPONSIBLE: IDENTIFY FACTORS TO BE ASSESSED WHEN DOCUMENTING A CONTRACTOR`S PERFORMANCE:When assessing a contractor'S performance, a COR may conduct monitoring in all of the following ways EXCEPT: . On January 21, 2023 EBiz POCs (E-Business Points of Contact) with an applicant account were automatically assigned the Expanded AOR role. (1) Recording and Authorization. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . Gross mistakes amounting to fraud. true, IDENTIFY COR RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPORTING THE PLANNING AND SUBMISSION OF CONTRACT CHANGES DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO NEGOTIATE A MODIFICATION:The COR has identified a change to the contract that will increase costs. The ANSI/EIA 32 management system guidelines include (Select all that apply), Managerial analysis false, GIVEN A CONTRACT ACTION, IDENTIFY THE DELEGATED TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH THE COR IS RESPONSIBLE: VERIFY THAT THE GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS IN THE CONTRACT ARE COMPLETE:After award of the contract, the post-award conference is a good place to ensure that the government and the contractor have a common understanding of the contractual requirements. IDENTIFY THE PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT COST ESTIMATE:What is an Independent Government Estimate (IGE)? (a) The contracting officer shall review the contractor's request for overtime. . Brown, Attorney General, September 23, 1981 . . A sample . the health authority the local housing authority the authorities [ plural ] the group of people with official legal power to make decisions or make people obey the laws in a particular area, such as the police or a local government department: I'm going to report these potholes to the authorities. A trusted agent (TA) does not have privileged access to certification authority system (CAS) components to authorize certificate issuance, certificate revocation, or key recovery. Principle-agent relationships arise in a variety of business situations. A contracting officer's representative (COR) assists in the technical monitoring or administration of a contract (see 1.602-2(d)). Congress has used this power to authorize the President to use the regular Armed Forces and the National Guard in cases of insurrection against state governments, obstruction of federal laws, or to protect civil rights. What are the differences between contracting by negotiation and sealed bidding? Which of the following statements is true regarding this duty? Have the contractor repair or replace the defective or non-conforming supplies, or re-perform the non-conforming service at no additional cost. . During negotiations for a proposed change to the contract, the COR may be asked to: John, the COR on a services contract, has made an unauthorized commitment by authorizing the contractor to perform services that were not within the scope of the contract. DoD Components and the Defense Acquisition University are mostly in charge of training and certifying CORs through different in-person, online, and mobile team training options. The tickets are worth $20. . x Contracting Officer. . . Award, agree to, or sign any contract, delivery order, or task order. -authorize the use of overtime. A technical representative that is appointed by the contracting officer through a designation letter The procuring Contracting Officer, Administrative Contracting Officer, Termination Contracting Officer, and the Contracting Officer's Representative are key players in the acquisition process. The COR contributes by: A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is __________? commitment to customer satisfaction Appointment or designation letter. 1.1 The TRICARE Systems Manual (TSM) describes how TRICARE business functions are implemented technically via system-to-system interactions and Government provided applications. An Earned Value Management system that is formally validated and accepted by the cognizant contracting officer is required on cost or incentive contracts valued at or greater than ____. The government must notify the contractor when ____________. The TSM also describes the technical concept of operations, including the responsibilities associated with various Information Systems (IS) including Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), the . The two notices may be used sequentially or, depending on the time left in performance, only a single notice might be used. It is imperative a COR maintain adequate records because: Information security ensures that sensitive or proprietary information is disclosed or discussed only to those who have a need to know. The Contracting Officer's Representative has authority to approve overtime requests from the contractor. true, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: IDENTIFY INVOICE PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH APPROPRIATE CONTRACT INVOICE CLAUSE:The government has ________ from receipt of an invoice to notify the contractor if it is improper. Latent Defect A technical representative that is appointed by the Contracting Officer through a Designation/Appointment Letter, GIVEN A CONTRACT FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE COR, IDENTIFY THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY REGULATION AND POLICY TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE COR FILE: COR documentation for all types of contracts should be retained by whom and for how long? 2. Which of the following is TRUE regarding requirements development and documentation? true, DISTINGUISH BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION AND ITS EFFECT ON GIVING TECHNICAL DIRECTION:A critical way that formal communication differs from informal is that formal communication is binding upon the parties and informal communication is non-binding. Get involved with subcontractors without the permission and direction of the prime. true. Documentation of actions taken in accordance with the delegation of authority. This file must include, as a minimum: A copy of the contracting officers letter of designation and other documentation describing the CORs duties and responsibilities; and. All contractual agreements, commitments, or modifications shall be made only by the PCO. Identify the change to the contract, complete a technical evaluation of the contractor'S proposal, develop the estimated cost, obtain the required approvals, and obtain certified funding, DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:The COR should work with the Contracting Officer if the COR identifies a need to change the current contract. true, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:Most of the annual requirements for supplies and services are funded with Procurement Funds: . FAR 1.602-2(d), DFARS 201.602-2(d) and PGI 201.602 provides excellent guidance for KOs on when a COR should be assigned. IDENTIFY MARKET RESEARCH ACTIONS OF THE COR:The Competition in Contracting Act requires that _________: . . January 8, 2015. Conduct market research and develop requirements. Usually, the COR is in charge of keeping an eye on and managing how the contract works and how well it is doing. x Justification for Sole Source. No agency employee will have sole authority of or responsibility for control over the invoice review and approval process. The words have multiple meanings, some of which overlap a bit. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . WE HAVE TO FAX THE OVERTIME AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SNOW PLOW GUYS. Acquisition Planning's principal purpose is to ensure that the government meets its needs in the most effective, economical and timely manner while emphasizing competition and promoting the use of commercial items. CORs play a key role in representing the requiring activity and the contracting officer, providing contract oversight, and influencing the contractor to meet the terms and conditions of the . There must be segregation of duties so the CO and COR are different employees within the agency. This form contains fields that show the employee's name, job position, department, and the detailed projection of the hours needed for the overtime. Available and trade off process fn1 Through this authorization and the power it creates, an is! Incur interest if they are not paid by the PCO should request that speaker. Continuum include: Lowest price technically available and trade off process the SNOW PLOW GUYS by a! Are not paid by the due date established in the prompt payment clause,... Should be used ( TSM ) describes how TRICARE business functions are implemented technically via system-to-system interactions and Government applications! 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