john 19 commentary spurgeon

But how vast was the disparity! Oh! Bearing upon his back the sin of all his people, the offering goes without the camp. Rutherford used words somewhat to this effect, "I thirst for my Lord and this is joy; a joy which no man taketh from me. (1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. By contrast, the Christian faith is built on the . "I thirst," is his human body tormented by grievous pain. Have you prayed for your fellow men? what a black thought crosses our mind! V. Lastly, the cry of "I thirst" is to us THE PATTERN OF OUR DEATH WITH HIM. Therefore while he thirsts give him to drink this day. Let each of us say "Tis all my business here below To cry, Behold the Lamb!" John 1:30-31. God forbid! Last Sunday the remark was made to me "If the story of the sufferings of Christ had been told of any other man, all the congregation would have been in tears." (6) John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, " It is finished! And said, Hail, King of the Jews!_ Then came, "Women, behold thy son!" The spear broke up the very fountains of life; no human body could survive such a wound. Yet his language teaches us not to worship her, for he calls her "woman," but to honor him in whom his direst agony thought of her needs and griefs, as he also thinks of all his people, for these are his mother and sister and brother. Methinks Death thought it a splendid triumph when he saw the Master impaled and bleeding in the dominions of destruction; little did he know that the grave was to be rifled, and himself destroyed, by that crucified Son of man. It began with the mouth of appetite, when it was sinfully gratified, and it ends when a kindred appetite is graciously denied. The Church, the bride of Christ, was there conformed to the image of her Lord; she was there, I say, in Simon, bearing the cross, and in the women weeping and lamenting. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh." If he carried all the cross, yet he only carried the wood of it; he did not bear the sin which made it such a load. Beloved, let us comfort ourselves with this thought, that in our case, as in Simon's, it is not our cross, but Christ's cross which we carry. Do we not see here the truth of that which was set forth in shadow by the scape-goat? Of the many benefits we have in learning from Paul, a few stand out:1. It showed that he had laid down his life of himself. John 19:16 . Think, dear friends, there are some in this congregation who as yet have no interest in Jesu's blood, some sitting next to you, your nearest friends who, if they were now to close their eyes in death, would open them in hell! But such is not the truthful estimate of man according to the Scriptures: there man is a fallen creature, with a carnal mind which cannot be reconciled to God; a worse than brutish creature, rendering evil for good, and treating his God with vile ingratitude. We may therefore come before him, with all the rest of our race, when God subdues them to repentance by his love, and look on him whom we have pierced, and mourn for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Mine is adorned with garments crimsoned with his own blood. Barrabas may go free; the thief and the murderer may be spared; but for Christ there is no word, but "Away with such a fellow from the earth! Jesus is formally condemned to crucifixion, but before he is led away he is given over to the Praetorian guards that those rough legionaries may insult him. Always was he in harmony with himself, and his own body was always expressive of his soul's cravings as well as of its own longings. Jesus paused, and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me; but weep for yourselves and for your children." The platted crown of thorns, the purple robe, the reed with which they smote him, and the spittle with which they disfigured him, all these marked the contempt in which they held the King of the Jews. "It is finished" is the last word but one, and there you see the perfected Saviour, the Captain of our salvation, who has completed the undertaking upon which he had entered, finished transgression, made an end of sin, and brought in ever lasting righteousness. I like to think of our Lord's saying, "It is finished," directly after he had exclaimed, "I thirst"; for these two voices come so naturally together. Perhaps they are your children, the objects of your fondest love, with no interest in Christ, without God and without hope in the world! Holy Scripture remains the basis of our faith, established by every word and act of our Redeemer. Thirst is a common-place misery, such as may happen to peasants or beggars; it is a real pain, and not a thing of a fancy or a nightmare of dreamland. Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was born in Essex, England. When they had mocked him they pulled off the purple garment he had worn, this rough operation would cause much pain. Charles Haddon Spurgeon December 1, 1861 Scripture: John 19:30 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7 It is Finished! I do not know how far it was from Pilate's house to the Mount of Doom. Romanists pretend to know; in fact they know the very spot where Veronica wiped the blessed face with her handkerchief, and found his likeness impressed upon it; we also know very well where that was not done; in fact they know the very spot where Jesus fainted, and if you go to Jerusalem you can see all these different places if you only carry enough credulity with you; but the fact is the city has been so razed, and burned, and ploughed, that there is little chance of distinguishing any of these positions, with the exception, it may be, of Mount Calvary, which being outside the walls may possibly still remain. That impenitent thief went from the cross of his great agony and it was agony indeed to die on a cross he went to that place, to the flames of hell; and you, too, may go from the bed of sickness, and from the abode of poverty, to perdition, quite as readily as from the home of ease and the house of plenty. A phantom, as some have called him, could not suffer in his fashion: but Jesus really suffered, not only the more refined pains of delicate and sensitive minds, but the rougher and commoner pangs of flesh and blood. "I thirst" meant that his heart was thirsting to save men. One word: transformation. He hath traversed the mournful way before thee, and every footprint thou leavest in the sodden soil is stamped side by side with his footmarks. And they asked him, What then? Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. This cross was a ponderous machine; not so heavy, perhaps, as some pictures would represent it, but still no light burden to a man whose shoulders were raw with the lashes of the Roman scourge. Come let us pour out full flagons, until his joy is fulfilled in us. The conquest of the appetites, the entire subjugation of the flesh, must be achieved, for before our great Exemplar said, "It is finished," wherein methinks he reached the greatest height of all, he stood as only upon the next lower step to that elevation, and said, "I thirst." Universal manhood, left to itself, rejects, crucifies, and mocks the Christ of God. He came to save, and man denied him hospitality: at the first there was no room for him at the inn, and at the last there was not one cool cup of water for him to drink; but when he thirsted they gave him vinegar to drink. No man dare call him friend now, or whisper a word of comfort to him. I have already told you that such was our Lord's mystical desire; let it be ours also. London shall see the glory of the one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the other. And said, Hail, King of the Jews! II. So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. He died in less time than persons crucified commonly did. This is what the Apostle meant when he said, "I fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the Church." How great the love which led him to such a condescension as this! While thus we admire his condescension let our thoughts also turn with delight to his sure sympathy: for if Jesus said, "I thirst," then he knows all our frailties and woes. You may think that this remark is not needed; but I have met with one or two cases where it was required; and I have often said I would preach a sermon for even one person, and, therefore, I make this remark, even though it should rebuke but one. Our Lord in his death-cries, as in all else, was perfection itself. The most Scriptural way to describe the sufferings of Christ is not by laboring to excite sympathy through highly-coloured descriptions of his blood and wounds. How harshly grate the cruel syllables, "Crucify him! A second mode of treating these seven cries is to view them as setting forth the person and offices of our Lord who uttered them. Commentators like Thomas Manton and John Calvin are represented in this series. Brother, thirst I pray you to have your workpeople saved. There was a deeper meaning in his words than she dreamed of, as a verse further down fully proves, when he said to his disciples, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of." Inductive Bible study on John 19. He is indeed "Immanuel, God with us" everywhere. Do not let the picture vanish till you have satisfied yourselves once for all that Christ was here the substitute for you. Do not let us forget the infinite distance between the Lord of glory on his throne and the Crucified dried up with thirst. Shall the servant be above his Master, or the disciple above his Lord? Scripture provides a wealth . He ran and filled a sponge with vinegar: it was the best way he knew of putting a few drops of moisture to the lips of one who was suffering so much; but though he felt a degree of pity, it was such as one might show to a dog; he felt no reverence, but mocked as he relieved. A carnal appetite of the body, the satisfaction of the desire for food, first brought us down under the first Adam, and now the pang of thirst, the denial of what the body craved for, restores us to our place. Hail, everlasting King in heaven, thou dost admit to thy paradise whomsoever thou wilt! In that cry there is reconciliation to God. I. Will your Prince be decorated with honors? who would stand in your place, ye richest, ye merriest, ye most self-righteous sinners who would stand in your place when God shall say, "Awake O sword against the rebel, against the man that rejected me; smite him, and let him feel the smart for ever!" His great love makes him thirst to have us much nearer than we are; he will never be satisfied till all his redeemed are beyond gunshot of thee enemy. Call to mind his complaint in the fifth chapter of Isaiah, "Now will I sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. Some of these were persons of considerable rank; many of them had ministered to him of their substance; amidst the din and howling of the crowd, and the noise of the soldiery, they raised an exceeding loud and bitter cry, like Rachel weeping for her children, who would not be comforted, because they were not. To-day I invite your attention to another Prince, marching in another fashion through his metropolis. are they not more like sharp vinegar? Alas poor African, thou hast been compelled to carry the cross even until now. I have heard sermons, and studied works by Romish writers upon the passion and agony, which have moved me to copious tears, but I am not clear that all the emotion was profitable. Whether a disciple then or not, we have every reason to believe that he became so afterwards; he was the father, we read, of Alexander and Rufus, two persons who appear to have been well known in the early Church; let us hope that salvation came to his house when he was compelled to bear the Savior's cross. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. Commentary on John 19:31-37 (Read John 19:31-37) A trial was made whether Jesus was dead. Christians, will you refuse to be cross-bearers for Christ? He did not spare his Son the stripes. Let us magnify and bless our Redeemer's name. Even now to a large extent the true Christian is like a Pariah, lower than the lowest caste, in the judgment of some. Do you not remember how that thirst of his was strong in the old days of the prophet? The Holy Spirit took special care that each of the sacred utterances should be fittingly recorded. Among other things methinks he meant this "If I, the innocent substitute for sinners, suffer thus, what will be done when the sinner himself the dry tree whose sins are his own, and not merely imputed to him, shall fall into the hands of an angry God." So he was thirsting then. It seems to me very wonderful that this "I thirst" should be, as it were, the clearance of it all. "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" Brother, thirst to have your children save. The last expiring word in which he commended his spirit to his Father, is the note of acceptance for himself and for us all. A new edition of Spurgeon's classic devotional using the ESV. It is the way whereby many shall be brought to Christ, when this blessed soul-thirst of true Christian charity shall be upon those who are themselves saved. Will ye raise a clamor of tumultuous shouting? First, we shall look upon them as THE ENSIGN OF HIS TRUE HUMANITY. Here is the forgiveness of sin free forgiveness in answer to the Saviour's plea. In the Lord of Hosts, who shows his power in the sufferings of Christ and of his Church. How has it been with you? In the former cry, as he opened Paradise, you saw the Son of God; now you see him who was verily and truly born of a women, made under the law; and under the law you see him still, for he honours his mother and cares for her in the last article of death. Thoughtful men have drawn a wealth of meaning from them, and in so doing have arranged them into different groups, and placed them under several heads. It was a thirst such as none of us have ever known, for not yet has the death dew condensed upon our brows. The power to suffer for another, the capacity to be self-denying even to an extreme to accomplish some great work for God this is a thing to be sought after, and must be gained before our work is done, and in this Jesus is before us our example and our strength. I invite you to meditate upon the true humanity of our Lord very reverently, and very lovingly. Jesus said, "I thirst," and this is the complaint of a man. It was the common place of death. Hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled. Did I not describe last Sabbath the knotted scourges which fell upon the Saviours back? Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. You have, then, no true sympathy for Christ if you have not an earnest sympathy with those who would win souls for Christ. We read, "The soldiers also mocked him, offering him vinegar." (7) Luke 23:46 And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO THY HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT. Will your Prince be sumptuously arrayed? Know ye not, beloved, for I speak to those who know the Lord, that ye are crucified together with Christ? He said, "I thirst," in order that one might bring him drink, even as you have wished to have a cooling draught handed to you when you could not help yourself. Home; Origin; Birth; John; Acts; About; JOHN 19 COMMENTARY . No, no; we must not make a cross of our own. Those pictures which represent our Lord as wearing the crown of thorns upon the tree have therefore at least some scriptural warrant. He cried, ere he bowed the head which he had held erect amid all his conflict, as one who never yielded, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." She craved full flagons of love though she was already overpowered by it. We may well remember our faults this day. Cover it with a cloak? He was innocent, and yet he thirsted; shall we marvel if guilty ones are now and then chastened? We will now take the text in a third way, and may the Spirit of God instruct us once again. They put on him his own clothes that the multitudes might discern him to be the same man, the very man who had professed to be the Messias. These are awful words, but they are not mine; they are the very words of God in Scripture. Mark then, Christian, Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. What whips of steel for you, what knots of burning wire for you, when conscience shall smite you, when the law shall scourge you with its ten-thonged whip! I have now a third picture to present to you CHRIST AND HIS MOURNERS. If we weep for the sufferings of Christ in the same way as we lament the sufferings of another man, our emotions will be only natural, and may work no good. We thought sometimes that we loved him as we heard the story of his death, but we did not change our lives for his sake, nor put our trust in him, and so we gave him vinegar to drink. I have sometimes met with persons who have suffered much; they have lost money, they have worked hard all their lives, or they have laid for years upon a bed of sickness, and they therefore suppose that because they have suffered so much in this life, they shall thus escape the punishment of sin hereafter. "Wist ye not," said he, while yet a boy, "that I must be about my Father's business?" Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." He must love, it is his nature. I fear me, beloved, I fear me that the most of us if we ever do carry it, carry it by compulsion, at least when it first comes on to our shoulders we do not like it, and would fain run from it, but the world compels us to bear Christ's cross. Our Lord felt that grievous drought of dissolution by which all moisture seems dried up, and the flesh returns to the dust of death: this those know who have commenced to tread the valley of the shadow of death. I differ from them greatly, but I will say this, that next to the actual enjoyment of my Lord's presence I love to hunger and to thirst after him. We can never forget the painful scenes of which we have been witness, when we have watched the dissolving of the human frame. crucify him!" We all know that a different dress will often raise a doubt about the identity of an individual; but lo! There are many other ways in which these words might be read, and they would be found to be all full of instruction. Beloved, if our Master said, "I thirst," do we expect every day to drink of streams from Lebanon? Then I will thirst with him and not complain, I will suffer with him and not murmur." He pitied the sufferer, but he thought so little of him that he joined in the voice of scorn. John 19:4-5. I tell you, sirs, that yonder malefactor carried his cross and died on it; and you will carry your sorrows, and be damned with them, except you repent. The excitement of a great struggle makes men forget thirst and faintness; it is only when all is over that they come back to themselves and note the spending of their strength. These are silken days, and religion fights not so stern a battle. Although Simon carried Christ's cross, he did not volunteer to do it, but they compelled him. I invite your attention to CHRIST AS LED FORTH. Shall carnal appetites be indulged and bodies pampered when Jesus cried :I thirst"? is the fourth cry, and it illustrates the penalty endured by our Substitute when he bore our sins, and so was forsaken of his God. Lloyd-Jones opens John 19:31-37 to answer that very question. A river of the water of life, pure as crystal, proceedeth to-day out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, and yet once he condescended to say, "I thirst," before his angelic guards, they would surely have emulated the courage of the men of David when they cut their way to the well of Bethlehem that was within the gate, and drew water in jeopardy of their lives. One would have said, If he were thirsty he would not tell us, for all the clouds and rains would be glad to refresh his brow, and the brooks and streams would joyously flow at his feet. We do not know what may have been the color of alimony face, but it was most likely black. Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. Think of the millions in this dark world! "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. Our religion is our glory; the Cross of Christ is our honor, and, while not ostentatiously parading it, as the Pharisees do, we ought never to be so cowardly as to conceal it. Today! John 19:7-8. Ah, beloved, our Lord was so truly man that all our griefs remind us of him: the next time we are thirsty we may gaze upon him; and whenever we see a friend faint and thirsting while dying we may behold our Lord dimly, but truly, mirrored in his members. Oh! Let there be nothing but your religion to object to, and then if that offends them let them be offended, it is a cross which you must carry joyfully. We shall perhaps know it in our measure in our dying hour, but not yet, nor ever so terribly as he did. My Lord is not altogether without his espoused one. I will not say it is because we are unfaithful to our Master that the world is more kind to us, but I half suspect it is, and it is very possible that if we were more thoroughly Christians the world would more heartily detest us, and if we would cleave more closely to Christ we might expect to receive more slander, more abuse, less tolerance, and less favor from men. Thirst is no royal grief, but an evil of universal manhood; Jesus is brother to the poorest and most humble of our race. It is not fit that he should live." It is calculated that one soul passes from time into eternity every time the clock ticks! John 19 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Hate sin, and heartily loathe it; but thirst to be holy as God is holy, thirst to be like Christ, thirst to bring glory to his sacred name by complete conformity to his will. They are the very words of God in Scripture marvel if guilty ones now... Have been the color of alimony face, but they compelled him without his espoused one we can never the! Back the sin of all his people, the cry of `` I thirst '' his blood! Is calculated that one soul passes from time into eternity every time the clock ticks therefore at least some warrant... The one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the sacred utterances should fittingly... 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