cheap meals from the great depression

74-year-old Army veteran told me that when he was growing up in the Carolinas they were dirt poor, so his mother in the morning would mix flour into the eggs to make enough to go around. Popular dishes included chili, macaroni & cheese, soups, and creamed chicken on biscuits. ), then went and did the shopping. I learned a lot from both my mama and gram about frugal living and wish they were still around to thank them. Echoing events of 2020, the Depression caused widespread unemployment and food shortages of meat, milk, and other pantry staples.Cooks during the unprecedented economic downturn learned eating simple meals without waste could stretch their dollar. This has to be one of the best articles ever written. So how do we serve a good meal and save? Now lets save some money! Linda, a follow-up about Walmarts price matching: Their price matching policy is online and they are very specific about some things. The Dime Meal. Now, this is a roast chicken you make from scratch, not the store-bought pre-cooked ones (which tend to be small). Its amazing how much can be saved by shopping the sales and freezing items. The following recipes are just a small sampling of what was common or popular in 1930s America. I love it! Three Ingredient Depression Bread. We have a 50 by 50-foot garden and plant what we can and then can it, the beginning costs may be high but you reuse most of it for years. This is the classic whatever-is-in-the-fridge-and-pantry stew. This can be made sweet with honey, sugar, maple syrup, or molasses, or savory with salt and pepper or beef broth. We stretch stretch stretch!! 52. I asked a question on Food Storage Moms Facebook page a few years ago to see what people are doing to save money on groceries. We use turkey burger from Aldis instead of hamburger not much of a taste difference in our minds. I also use the big oven app, it has a search function that allows you to put in an ingredient then it will pull recipes with that item. My sister does something a bit unique. We have one butchered professionally for all the different cuts and I butcher one or 2 for sausage and make bacon myself. I remember how important putting those stamps in the book was and how exciting to see it fill up. We are making macaroni and . Our local fruit and vegetable store has bagged produce for $1. We put all sorts of methods into practice to save money some already mentioned others a little specific to our unique situation. Okay, lets see I do peel some veggies, but I use those peels to make my broth taste better (ie broth is made of carcass and onion skins and potato skins and carrot skins, etc, giving it a HUGE nutritional punch). People during the Great Depression ate mostly bread, potatoes, and vegetables. 47. God bless you, Linda. I will be 70 soon and I still make bread, life is so good when you cook from scratch! Reuse, Reuse, Reuse. This is great if youre not buying from Zaycon Foods, of course! Nutrition over taste was the golden rule when food got scarce during the Depression, and money was hard to come by. in our area. If youre really splurging, fried potatoes and onions. I keep a well-stocked pantry of dry and canned goods. The idea is how to fill everyone up and save money on the most expensive part meat which we all need more veggies and less meat anyway. Everyone got a bowl of soup. I have bought a half gallon of OJ there for 50 cents and a FLAT of strawberries with nothing wrong with them for 2$ (0.25 a quart). Although I do not think gardening your own saves any money I now feel its at least a better option, healthier food, teaching my kids where food comes from, some to put up in storage, etc. I dont have to purchase that product again until it goes on sale. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for any and all ideas. Add in mash potatoes. We hope to get laying chickens this spring, hubby is building a coop fit for queens lol! Ham Hocks & Beans - Not just a great Southern recipe but one that you can make on the cheap. Save the fat. A hand full of mixed veggies from the freezer and some seasoning along with some onion and a small part of the meat is good, or you can add noodles or barley. 5. Linda, Your email address will not be published. Anytime were making something with ground meat in it, I substitute half the meat with TVP (online ). a long counter, freezer, meat slicer etc. 31. 32. Ive learned how to cook. Life is so good! You can add oatmeal to hamburger meat, then cook it. Its all about saving money. Back then they could get it free or for .10. Learn to prepare what you grow. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! 79. And today was spent gathering groceries and supplies for my waterline expansion. It's a mixture of dried milk powder and cornmeal, and could be eaten as a gruel-like oatmeal or worked into recipes like those kept at the Cornell University library. We buy meat in bulk, so most of my purchases are for perishables only. Boil 3 cups of water in a kettle. People made comments that they are eating many of those meals today. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. 1. This year we bought 1/2 a cow which ended up being about $4 a pound but that includes so much that would cost more than that at the store. Beet greens. Linda, Wendy, I love cheese so this will be added next time to my goulash for sure!! This Site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a CafeMedia (CafeMedia) for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site, and CafeMedia will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. Ketchup, Mayonnaise or Onion Sandwiches A recipe for Baking Powder Biscuits, as noted in Rita Van Amber's Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s, Vol. Talk about a stretch! Beef and rice: From Laurie C. - Ground hamburger, mix in beef Rice a Roni, and add a can of corn. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. Waste nothing. Eat a lot of casseroles because it doesnt require as much meat. Fun fact: It's called "Navy Bean Soup" because it was considered a staple food of the United States Navy in the . Because I needed to! We buy food at a scratch and dent store. Related: How I Feed My Family of 6 on $200 a Month . This will take a little more time. They are so darn cute at that age! When you cook meats you often find fat at the bottom of the ban. Served at Franklin Delano Roosevelt's White House, this dessert is not overly sweet. I wish I did. I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. Then I freeze several containers for later meals. . Mini pies (masa/corn flour mixed with water or broth, pushed into muffin tins, filled with whatever leftovers and some cheese work well). Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! One of my great-grandmothers absolutely loved pickled tongue. With just about every meal being made from scratch many cooks still relied on and used herbs to season their food. Check out these 10 Cheap Recipes You Can Make Out of Leftover Produce. This meal costs less than $3 for four servings. During the depression, my elders on both sides made oxtail soup because it was the cheapest part of the cow. My grandmother was able to get the Beet greens that grocers would twist off for their customers before they weighed the beets for purchase. When we have leftover veggies of any kind, if it is not enough for another meal, I freeze them, then add to a bag of other frozen veggies. So if you live in an area that that is possible & have a few like-minded families, sit down & work out the details. The only thing you need are apples, sugar, cinnamon, and some butter. Carrots are the same. Heres the unique thing she Googled for names of ALL the grocery stores in her area, even very tiny or ethnic ones. I thought all those simple meals and sandwiches with just onions or tomatoes was something my family did just because. My mom made it a lot, so I know it's going to be delicious. Hoosier Cream Pie. These days, I do not make a purchase where I do not stand at the register with my smartphone and come up with a coupon for an item or % discount. It is made with a layer of sugar cream, followed by a layer of custard, and then topped with meringue if you wanted to get really fancy. Instead of ordering out for pizza I make my own pizza dough (making 2 doughs and freezing the 2nd for later), make my own pizza sauce and taco sauce. We each work together on the large plot of land raising veggies to can & sale (Christmas money), We all raise various animals & share the meat/milk. 72. Its quite a bit cheaper. Twitter. These Depression-era recipes are proof that food from the 1930s is worth revisiting. Made from fried potatoes, onions, and hot dogs, this mixture was then topped off with canned corn, canned peas, and stewed tomatoes. I make my own bread (usually making two loaves at a time freezing the 2nd). If you save in all the other ways, then if you have to purchase meat or whatever at the store, you have the money to do it. She called it Slavic dinner I am not sure if that is its proper name she got the recipe from a family friend (this also freezes for later meals if needed), Hi Pauline, I love your comment about the Slavic dinner! I try to make from scratch all our snack foods like crackers, granola bars, granola, fruit leather(when I find a great deal on fruit), bagels, bread, yogurt, etc. You can make a white sauce with water (to save on milk), once you have a white sauce you can add any seasonings to add flavor and then add something lik. The water you boiled it in is now a quick broth use for soup). Linda. 14. Getting creative in that area too. Victor Moruzzi. 77. We dont eat a lot of meat we eat 3 eggs a day, we have our own chickens. All they can do is say, no. Plastic baggies can be washed and re-used instead of thrown out. lemon juice 5 Tbsps. Use lentils or split peas when making hamburger dishes like spaghetti. Dr. Battaglino says one of the best foods for mental health is fatty fish, like salmon, sardines, and tuna. I dehydrated my whole garlic crop in slices (other than the ones for replanting) and can use as is or grind up. We call it Eraser Gravy. At that time, cooks measured ingredients in pinches, dashes and dibs. It does cost some, but the last one we still got almost 500 pounds of meat and soup bones for about a dollar less a pound than ground beef. Start with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, carrots and green onions. 27. Make EVERY meal count. EatingWell - Danielle DeAngelis 8h. Add rest of milk and water and cook for 5 more minutes. I buy 1/2 cow and a 1/2 pig from a local farmer the freezer was worth the investment yes its expensive up front but does the math its cheaper the long run and its local fresh and so much cheaper than the store in the long run. Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion, and cumin to flavorthem. Cut back on animal protein and we have a big garden. 1/26/10 8:32 AM. If I buy the name brand its a dollar more than the store brand and even less at WalMart. 2 tbsp of cold water. She could get hot dogs and slice them up and add garlic, tomato sauce,and water and make the most awesome casserole ever. has many meatless recipes that are healthy and good tasting. salt 1 cup sugar 2 eggs beaten until thick and light 1 Tbsp. Yes, thats money escaping. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. The the great depression food facts is a question that I am able to answer. We rarely ever had kids come spend the night with us because they all knew that we were very poor. During the Great Depression, people used everything they had to make a cheap and filling meal, such as the Hoover Stew. Grow everything you possibly can each and every season. dry beans and cook 2 lbs at a time in the slow cooker. From Scratch Noodles from Delishably. Worn fabric was woven into a rug or turned into cleaning rags, tires became garden . and come up with a coupon for an item or % discount. Pasta is always our cheap go-to meal. I'm really excited about this one because I actually grew up eating this Great Depression meal. Great Depression Meals-How To Eat For Less Money. 80. Processing meat is really not that hard to do. I have got to go check out that website on meatless recipes! When I buy meat, I buy it only on sale, and I buy enough for several meals and then freeze either portions or leftovers. Cooked all together. Stay well, eat at home. No money for luxuries. Get clearance on pumpkins or neighbors pumpkins and make bread from them then freeze it. Our great grandparents had the solution. We process the meat ourselves. 2. OH, Linda, this is the best comment! Top ramen omelet. We always served this with warm corn bread. Drizzle olive oil, salt, and pepper on everything. We fill up on salads and 2-3 vegetable sides.Did you know you can make your own cheese using dry powdered milk? 1 can of soup with leftovers served 4-5. Its interesting because we were raised this way, its the norm to cook from scratch. shape, BOIL. Im grateful that we have an Aldi USAin our area. I was really skimpy on the meat, but Ive always liked that ratio better. We do utilize an area butcher, buying packages from them periodically so we dont need to pay the higher prices at the local grocery. 60. When we have leftover veggies of any kind, if it is not enough for another meal, I freeze them, then add to a bag of other frozen veggies. I am afraid that for most people this will be hard to adjust to. We buy a hog and a 1/4 beef with our income tax return and stretch it along with the turkey and only buy chicken at .99 a pound. I would like to see someone (who has the time) to create recipes that are seasonal so that I am not constantly going to the store to find ingredients to make X, right now we should be eating squash, potatoes, dried beans, etc. Its easy to freeze. You can have a cup of soup, or soup for a group quickly. Sunday's special cookies and a cup of coffee for the adults were among the most popular weekend breakfasts. Also, weve found that some Walmart checkers dont really know how the policy works and may say no to price matching some items that should be OK. Cold air sinks, so every time you open that door, your freezer has to work that much harder to reestablish the temperature. Great comment! She made them before she was 2!! Yummy soups are always good because they are so filling, homemade tomato with saltines. Add a ton of salt . People made comments that they are eating many of those meals today. Food Storage Moms, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. They went through the Great Depression, and World War 2. 12. If not ask for a manager. I try to save money by throwing in some meatless meals during the week, like potato soup or minestrone. Bread making and canning were normal activities. Add cocoa and sugar to small pot. 30. 2 cups of boiling milk. I make my own spaghetti sauce with canned tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes and seasonings. I can also mash pinto beans for refried beans with Mexican food. 1.4 Great Depression Foods - Mock Apple Pie. My friend made it yesterday, Im making it for dinner tonight! We now have a shed that is set up strictly for meat processing which has. Add your broth, and simmer till done. I grew up not poor, but not middle class, either. We use to skin the animal outside, quarter it up and bring it inside to finish the process, grind, cut up or whatever we need to be done. from Julia's Simply Southern. 265. Ive learned how to cook. Potatoes are cheap and easy to store, so it's no surprise they showed up on menu home meal plans during the Depression. When I find a good one I buy a case or two of that item. The other day I reused an 810 manilla envelope. You always have to be on your toes, checking prices, making good choices. I make huge batches and freeze the extra. If not, it is worth it to purchase several Sunday papers for the coupons. Still do and hate food waste. We buy wheat berries rather than flour and grind our own. 1 1/2 cups flour. My mother told us about depression meals she remembered and enjoyed growing up. I can get 10 lbs of potatoes for $2-3 at Aldi. Lasts a long time and feeds many. Sorry, it took me so long to post but Ive been getting in at near midnight all week long. I make soup stock out of the icky bits of meat, pan juices, and vegetable cooking water and add some Chinese noodles that only take 2 minutes to cook. Still pricey but so much better. Lentil patties (lentils cooked until tender, mash up with seasoning and onion, shape and fry or bake. When we make tacos we add a few eggs to the ground meat and you honestly cant tell the difference, then just cook them into the already cooked ground meat and season to taste, it changes the texture a tiny bit but after you add rice and beans to your tacos/burritos, you cant tell anymore at all, this really stretches a meal!. Thanks for the article. Then, slowly whisk in 1 cups of milk until the mixture begins to thicken and boil. My dad loved bologna and fried spam. I try to make from scratch all our snack foods like crackers, granola bars, granola, fruit leather(when I find a great deal on fruit), bagels, bread, yogurt, etc. We ate most of 1 tonight, the leftovers & the some of the other Steak will be made into beef stroganoff tomorrow, the rest will be frozen (in broth) for later use. My sisters and I would let the flour tortillas sit out and get hard. I know, and prices just keep going up. We also shop Aldis, just be careful and know your prices at other stores. 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