The Boxtops site is a good reminder of an easy way we can raise money for our schools. Reflective learning involves actively monitoring and assessing your knowledge, abilities, and performance during the learning process, in order to improve the process and its associated outcomes. It has been a great moment to develop my knowledge and understanding in each of the different areas within the course. It would eliminate some distractions and allow students to finish assignments quicker, and likely produce better work.I have not used either of these tools before. This is called modular approach of teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2004) if self learning modules are available on some topics they can b given to the students as assignments for self learning .scientific attitude refers to an individual's outlook Teachers could access some sites that students could not, which made it difficult when teachers wanted students to use a site for research and it was unavailable. Educating students is not the sole job of the teacher- it is a team effort of parents, teachers, and other adults actively involved in the students life. Looping is done in a sense in the music world a little more than other areas. If not, why not? Im doing the same things. modular learning as the concept is being implemented. One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . 1 See answer Advertisement jescahernandez9 Answer: My reflection on it is way to long i hope you have time to read it hehe. A Beginners Guide to Integrating Technology. Furthermore, in addition to students, instructors can also benefit from the reflective learning that their students engage in. But journaling coupled with reflectionespecially during times of historic crisisshowed me that this activity can support complexity and has a long tradition for good reason. Enforcing cyber ethics would be as simple as adding required citations to assignments, perhaps even a works consulted list. Send. This could be valuable in a music classroom by doing a poll to see what sort of music the students like, but anything from what they had for lunch to scientific observations could be used. Reflection on the learning and next learning steps . It is harder because of my sister. Rich (Junior) is an all-around student, participating in sports; forensics; and is popular with others students and adults for his willingness to help others. This is because the protg effect means that shared reflective learning can help not only the person who is reflecting, but also those who help them do it. Furthermore, if you do this, you can also ask yourself what all the techniques that work well for you have in common. I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and its content. When I got the results of my first Covid test back negative, it was a poignant reminder that other people in my communitypeople I knowhave not been as lucky. Amid the push for student-driven learning in past years, I have shied away from the stand-and-deliver lecture, but the success of my 15-minute lesson made me realize that more traditional teaching styles still have merit. These tests were very high stress. Why do I feel that they are unhelpful? Another alternative learning modality for the new normal is Modular Distance Learning. Modular instruction is an alternative instructional design that uses developed instructional materials which are based on the needs of the students., This site is helpful to a teacher by explaining some of the more intricate details of images, how they are created, and how they work. First, school is over fast. I have also had my students create power point presentations. Those experiences compared to this year were less than pleasant, simply because at the time, I didnt know what I was doing, and I tended to overwork myself silly. Using alternative assessments take longer than it would to grade a multiple choice test, and I think that the assessment methods that a teacher chooses to use can show a lot about the overall quality of their teaching. The web sites depicting learning strengths could easily be given to students on the first day of classes. Its much more relaxed now, and I must say, its rather enjoyable. For this module I developed a lesson plan asking students what instruments they would choose for an orchestra. My sister distracts me!!! For example, one study found that encouraging students to reflect on what theyre learning and how they learn had a positive impact on their learning outcomes, and had additional benefits when it came to their critical thinking skills and their ability to organize their thoughts. Since I taught music, most of the technology I used was with my middle school music appreciation class. You can send one to me at This is the only time I really am the most effective and efficient. There is so much music that is illegally downloaded and students need to know that it is a crime and does have consequences. Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning. Here is their podcast titled Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View: Thanks to Tristan, Sydni, Carsen, Jay, Rich, Patrick, and Mara for their contributions! When done as a shared activity, reflective learning can take many forms. This module really made me think about and analyze how I look at web sites on a daily basis. The software, known as My Reflection Mobile App was developed based on the Reflection Focusing on Pedagogical Content . I recorded myself giving a mini-lesson focused on sexism in the 1950s and 1960s, used ads and photos from the time as visuals, and then foregrounded the problems in a way that students could linger with and use later in short papers. (This is the second post in a multipart series. I have seen many students in computer labs surfing the internet unsupervised. I am not convinced that schools nationwide have the sort of dedication that it would take to transform them into the programs that the text depicts. To create amazing modular learning it is crucial that your content is developed into small, independent bite-sized chunks. 1) Create a suitable and engaging learning environment using active learning. Students realize this, and schools can support young people to go into the world with greater understanding of structures that shape us, not keep them from it. This would help get parents into the school, allow them to network with other parents, and let parents see what their students classroom life looks like. It would be especially helpful for older students whose reading level does not meet their actual grade level, thereby making reading in core classes more difficult. In the future, I would like to cover less material and make it more meaningful to students. This can cause stress and thats why it 's important to plan ahead and have your time manage. I did not have the support of a mentor and believe that having one would have made my time teaching less stressful and more beneficial to my students. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what you're learning and how you're learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. Although alternative assessments arent anything new, it occurred to me that most of the teachers that use them are the ones who arent afraid to invest time and energy into their classroom. 2) Give constructive feedback and ensure constant interaction. People have been aware on how education is able to lead their future to betterment. Students rely heavily on technology outside of school, yet while in school are stripped of their cell phones, iPods, and laptops. Yet teaching remotely provided a new opportunity to focus on how to carve out time for social and emotional activities with each class in the absence of face-to-face connections. Knowledge-Telling and Knowledge-Building in Learning and Teaching, Reflective Practice: Thinking About the Way You Do Things, The Factors that Determine Success at Learning, How to encourage reflective learning in others, Reflective learning and reflective practice, Ingroups and Outgroups: How Social Identity Influences People, Brandolinis Law: The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle, The Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy: After This, Therefore Because of This, Incidental Learning: Learning Without Trying to Learn, Intentional Learning: Setting Learning as a Deliberate Goal. Unpredictably, the structure of virtual school gave us more time to talk about connections in our lives and the structures that shape them, which created new affinities among us. I am always careful to make sure my virus protection is updated because I know that all it takes is one little window of opportunity for a virus to sneak through. I also had access to a computer connected to an overhead projector, which was shared with other teachers. This piece of technology allowed them to interact with calendars, do math, and even observe eagles in a nest on a live webcam! The module 9 scavenger hunts links to the computer basics quizzes would be useful to go over with students when just beginning the year. Which parts of the material do I struggle with? My son joined briefly to talk about a recent Avator obsession; our class felt almost like a family. Technology cannot replace good teaching, it only enhances it. By accomplishing all this you will have a very organized day with very minor stress. Experiences during remote learning inspire a teacher to reconsiderand refreshher curriculum for the fall. The various lessons on this page are like gold to a teacher. Central to this is the principal of reflection as metacognition, where students are aware of and can describe their thinking in a way that allows them to "close the gap . The terms reflective learning and reflective practicerefer to similar concepts, and because their definitions vary and even overlap in some cases, they are sometimes used interchangeably. This class has given me a lot of options and ways to integrate technology in my classroom. Module 1 Reflection Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. By the middle of their seventh grade year my students were very familiar with power point, so I was able to give them simple directions regarding the project and let them loose. It didnt surprise me as much as reinforce to me how important it is for kids to take ownership of their learning. This would greatly help students who are easily distracted while on the computer, especially when doing research for a project or paper. She said, "Distance learning has been a little . They are no longer learning without a goal or a purpose. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education) offers grants and has detailed explanations on what they are looking for in their applications. For instance, instead of worrying about my final GPA at the end of a semester, I will start strong at the beginning of the semester by working for the grade I strive to receive one day at a time. An athlete whos preparing for a competition can think about which learning strategies arent working well for them and why, and then either improve the way they use those strategies, or replacing those strategies with better ones. I spend lots of time at home. Even though I teach music, this would be a fun site to allow students to visit (probably more on the elementary age) when they are finished with projects and have free time. Create an environment that is conducive to reflective learning, for example by giving people enough time to engage in reflection. For example, it can involve a group of students openly discussing what challenges they faced while studying for a test, or a one-on-one meeting between a student and a tutor, where the tutor asks the student guiding questions about the students learning process. Are there any changes that I can make to my learning process to make it better for me? Reflection on the Module. My two years of teaching were very isolated and frustrating. This web site described a reading pen, which allowed students to scan words and have them read aloud. How do I know that I understand this material well? This way, if the student runs out of time they will have gotten the most important part done. For example, you can give students a worksheet a day after an important exam, which has questions that guide them through the reflective-learning process. I would love to have online learning integrated into the natural high school environment, seeing as I am getting so much more done in such a shorter time, and I feel like Im actually learning the material and not just grazing over it like I would in a standard classroom. To talk about one without the other implies that they are unrelated. Modular learning can be in printed or digital format. I recommend students should take this assessment because it can help you a lot in so many ways, but it really can help you to limit and schedule your time each day a little better so you can focus more on your goals .I am very determined to make better improvements to both of these sections and focus on my future career and goals., To become truly engaged and to be able to actually learn to a higher level as students we must take a much more serious and active role. Stress is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body. The Chance to Redo Assignments, School Shootings This Year: How Many and Where, The Best Advice for New Teachers, in 5 Words or Less: 2023 Edition. instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. I can demonstrate how various gods are portrayed in musical compositions. Students who did not pass the test, or part of the test, their junior year had an especially stressful time taking the test their senior year. These self-learning modules are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. This is a more complex question, but simple ones are just as effective. Should I ask someone else for help, either with my reflection or with my learning? (With parental permission, of course.) This really was easy to create. It contains information that I am not yet familiar with and have bookmarked the site to review it in more detail later. Note: when engaging in reflective learning, you can also benefit from focusing on knowledge-building, an approach to learning and teaching that involves relatively deep engagement with the study material. I also found that the filter worked differently for teacher accounts versus student accounts. The contents of the modules are not compatible with the level of parents and students, which is why they cannot understand. I have found that it is useful to require the students to write the information on all of the slides before they begin using templates or colors and backgrounds. This shows how having study skill is vital. I wish my teacher preparation was as thorough as some of the examples! In the classroom, I tend to be less of an emotive hugs-and-high-fives teacher and more of a lets-get-to-work-now kind of teacher. This would show students how music can tell a story or relay an emotion. Approaching projects, whether large and small, with an eye towards future uses will put you on the path to accomplishing broader, organizational goals. Read more from this blog. So when I began reading Module 4 and saw the description of Backward Design, it was intriguing and something that I filed in my memory for later use. Some of these changes or insights I hope to take with me into this coming school year, whatever that may look like. They give us ideas for things we probably would not have thought of on our own, and lets admit it, some of us just arent that creative! It would show students that everyone borrows ideas once in a while and that it is okay if you do it the right way. This web site was intriguing and something I bookmarked to look over more closely later. Note: when it comes to shared reflective learning, an important concept to be aware of is the protg effect, which is a psychological phenomenon where teaching, pretending to teach, or preparing to teach information to others helps a person learn that information. As a music teacher, I am embarrassed to admit that I know very little about copyright law. 4) Make learning materials easy and accessible. Patrick (Freshman) loves being creative and trying anything new in technology. The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. When you are done checking your email, make sure you log off. We had two computer labs, one for middle school and one for high school. If you click on a link or download a corrupt file you could expose your computer to a virus. Students know exactly where they need to end up, and there are hundreds of ways they could get there. QuizmakerQuizmaker was easy to use until I finished the quiz. Teachers do not have time to invent every worksheet or handout or organizational tool. Nevertheless, one possible way to differentiate between them is to say that people engage in reflective learning with regard to events where learning is the main goal, and in reflective practice with regard to events where learning is not the main goal. I plan to continue it next year. The model is given as below. It was clear that technology cannot replace good teaching, it simply enhances it. It would be a good site to refer to before developing a lesson about computer viruses for my students. By the end of the project, many noted how their mental well-being coincided with their attention to breaking news, which seemed like a lesson they would take with them. From what I saw, I think that it gives teachers a false sense of security. The large (masked) gatherings to protest the death of George Floyd and centuries of institutionalized racism were the first time many of us left our homes in New Jersey. I typed words into the generator, but when the game was displayed all of the tiles were blank??? Other examples of reflective learning appear in various domains, both in academia and outside of it. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used. It might be because certain study strategies are hard, some take up to much time, some do not seem to help much, or just because certain ones are annoying to some people. These programs seem like they will take a lot of dedication. 3. The fourth link listed on the module just took me to a search site with a bunch of links to other things. Giving quizzes online is something I never tried but would like to try in the future, especially if computers and internet access were more readily available. Unfortunately, because of the time we are living in right now, online learning is becoming more of a necessity if we want to keep on learning the skills that we learn in the classroom, and something tells me that due to updates in technology, online learning is going to be a lot more prevalent even after this pandemic is over. This would probably be more geared toward elementary-aged students. When signing into things like email, if you have the option to click a box for a shared computer, do that. I have also liked that it is shorter time than at school. Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. Leave a reply. After debate among our staff about the merits of synchronous versus asynchronous instruction, I turned the question to my classes in a Google Form, asking about what they preferred. Today, the first three contributions come from students in Austin Greens 1st grade class in Utah. This site is a very good tool that I added to my favorites list. Accordingly, people often avoid reflection, particularly when theyre under time pressure. Students are encouraged to work on various activities that are interesting and challenging to maintain focus . Having zero tolerance for plagiarism would show students that you mean business when it comes to citing materials. This year, were doing all of our classes via Zoom, and thats greatly impacted my views on online learning. As the months passed, their journals also became less tethered to the outside world and showed that time had taken on an elastic quality, stretching endlessly in some days or hours, contracting quickly in others. It would also tell a teacher whether or not they are truly teaching so that the students understand based on students results. Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? An adaptation for these students might be to give them a word block containing answers to reference. For example, this means that if you generally use reflective writing as a technique for promoting reflection, but someone feels much more comfortable engaging in reflection through sketching and drawing, then you should consider letting them do so, as long as its appropriate given the circumstances. For example, how well you understand certain concepts. Modular instruction is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body if you do this, you can ask! Is the second post in a multipart series and challenging to maintain focus on a daily.... You log off different areas within the course ownership of their cell phones, iPods, and are! Every worksheet or handout or organizational tool reflection, particularly when theyre under time.... Read aloud good teaching, it simply enhances it on it is shorter time than school... Students know exactly where they need to end up, and laptops their cell phones, iPods, and greatly. 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